capture the attention of your listeners Sticky post

How to Capture the Attention of Your Listeners

As a songwriter, capturing the attention of your listeners is essential, especially in today’s streaming-focused music industry. If you want to keep your audience listening to your songs, you need to find ways to recapture their attention throughout the song. Let’s explore some tips on how to capture the attention of your listeners in songwriting. Use lyrical ear candy Lyrical ear candy is when you … Continue reading How to Capture the Attention of Your Listeners

AI for lyrics Sticky post

Why Divergent AI for Lyrics is Better than Convergent AI

When it comes to artificial intelligence, there are two approaches: convergent AI and divergent AI. Convergent AI, such as chat-based AI, narrows things down to find refined answers, while divergent AI takes a different path. It’s all about exploring possibilities, thinking outside the box, and unleashing creativity. And when it comes to crafting lyrics, divergent AI is where it’s at. Let’s dive into five reasons … Continue reading Why Divergent AI for Lyrics is Better than Convergent AI

Living in the present Sticky post

How Living in the Present Changes Your Songwriting

Living in the present moment is like stepping into a vibrant world where inspiration flows freely and creativity knows no bounds. When we fully immerse ourselves in the now, our songwriting takes on a magical quality, infused with authenticity and fresh perspectives. So, let’s dive into the art of living in the present and discover how it can transform your songwriting journey. Gratitude and Appreciation … Continue reading How Living in the Present Changes Your Songwriting

Greek mythology Sticky post

Using Greek Mythology as Songwriting Inspiration

Greek mythology has been a popular source of inspiration for all kinds of creatives, including songwriters. The tales of the gods and goddesses are full of drama, intrigue, and romance which can be used to add meaning to our lyrics. Without further ado, let’s explore the symbolism of some of the most popular Greek gods and how they can be used in songwriting. Zeus Zeus … Continue reading Using Greek Mythology as Songwriting Inspiration

Writing for Specific Age Groups Sticky post

Lyric Writing for Specific Age Groups

Hey there, songwriters! Let’s talk about writing for a specific age group. Whether you’re penning tunes for children’s shows or trying to connect with a different demographic, it’s crucial to keep your audience in mind. In this blog, we’ll dive into some tips to help you nail the art of writing for specific age groups. Consider What Matters to Your Audience Different age groups have … Continue reading Lyric Writing for Specific Age Groups

Tree symbolism Sticky post

Songwriting and Nature: Tree Symbolism

The allure of symbolism in songwriting lies in its ability to evoke deeper emotions and meanings. Trees embody strength, growth, and mortality, holding heaps of symbolism. In this blog, let’s embark on a journey through the poetic world of tree symbolism in songwriting. Apple Tree The Apple Tree classic symbol of knowledge and temptation that graces both literature and art. In songs, it embodies the … Continue reading Songwriting and Nature: Tree Symbolism

AI voice, Grimes Sticky post

Grimes Advocates AI: Invites Artists to Use Her AI Voice

The talented artist Grimes has emerged as a pioneer for the integration of AI in the music industry. Recently, she made waves by publicly announcing that artists and producers now have her permission to use her AI voice in their creations. Furthermore, any successful song featuring her voice will receive a 50% royalty split. While some individuals in the music industry have expressed skepticism and … Continue reading Grimes Advocates AI: Invites Artists to Use Her AI Voice

Make your own song Sticky post

How to Make Your Own Song

Hey there, aspiring songwriters! So you’ve got a bunch of lyrics floating around in your head, but you’re not quite sure how to make your own song? No worries, we’ve got your back! We’re going to walk you through the process of making your own song and share some tips and tricks along the way. Let’s dive in! Lyric Writing First things first, let those … Continue reading How to Make Your Own Song

AI music creation Sticky post

Best AI Music Creation: Divergent vs. Convergent

When it comes to artificial intelligence, there are two main players in the game: convergent AI and divergent AI. Convergent AI is all about finding one straightforward solution, while divergent AI loves to explore a million different possibilities. Now, when we talk about AI music creation, especially when it comes to writing lyrics and melodies, it’s divergent AI that steals the show. Let’s dig deeper … Continue reading Best AI Music Creation: Divergent vs. Convergent

Philosophical Songwriting Sticky post

Philosophical Songwriting 101

Songwriting is such an incredible way to express ourselves and connect with others. And if you’re looking to dive deeper into the realm of philosophical ideas, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we’ll explore seven concepts from famous philosophers that you can infuse into your philosophical songwriting to create thought-provoking and meaningful music. Let’s get started! 1. The Socratic Method Developed by … Continue reading Philosophical Songwriting 101