Avoid these 5 Lyric Writing Mistakes
Writing lyrics can be a fun process but it can also lead to quite a few pitfalls. Some mistakes are once and are no big deal, while other mistakes can mean there is an underlying bad habit. In this blog, let’s take a look at 5 lyric writing mistakes to avoid. 1. The Delete Button Rush: When inspiration strikes, words flow like a river, but Continue reading Avoid these 5 Lyric Writing Mistakes

What Your Unfinished Lyrics Can Teach You
If you’ve been a songwriter for a while, you may have gone back to see if you can revive any of your old lyrics. However, some lyrics were just meant to serve as a memento of the past. There are still valuable lessons that unfinished lyrics can teach you. So let’s dive in! It’s Okay to Not Finish a Song Firstly, having a bunch of Continue reading What Your Unfinished Lyrics Can Teach You

Using AI in Music Without it Taking Over
Hey there, music creators! By now you’ve probably come across using AI in music and how there is a bit of skepticism around it. Rightfully, some are afraid that AI would take over creativity. But this overshadows how powerful AI can be as a creative tool. It has the ability of providing an artist tools to reach beyond their own scope. So let’s take a Continue reading Using AI in Music Without it Taking Over

The Joys and Challenges of Revisiting an Old Song
As a songwriter, you may be familiar with folders or notebooks filled with old songs that have been forgotten. It may have been years, even decades since you’ve last looked at one of these songs. As you look back, you may find a multitude of emotions come over you. Anything from inspiration to sadness. If you haven’t looked back on old songs yet, you should Continue reading The Joys and Challenges of Revisiting an Old Song

Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It as a Songwriter
As a songwriter, you may be familiar with many negative feelings such as the fear of failure, fear of being seen, or even fear of rejection. If you have something that is holding you back, it may be good to explore the cause. This way you can face it before it leads to self-sabotage. Now, the fear of rejection is completely normal and some great Continue reading Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It as a Songwriter

Can You Tell If It’s an AI Song? Let’s Find Out!
With the rise of AI, it has made its way into every nook and cranny of the world. It’s fascinating to see how powerful AI has become. However, people are still noticing some flaws such as a hand that is out of place in an AI-generated image or awkward sounding essays. But would you be able to tell the difference? If you are up for Continue reading Can You Tell If It’s an AI Song? Let’s Find Out!

Overcome Writer’s Block With an AI Lyric Maker
As a songwriter, you have probably come to know writer’s block as the enemy of creativity. But don’t worry! We’re going to unlock the secret to defeating writer’s block with the magic of an AI lyric maker. Let’s dive into several ways that you can use AI to boost creativity whenever you are in a creative slump. 1. Discover a World of Inspiration Picture this: Continue reading Overcome Writer’s Block With an AI Lyric Maker

How to Write the Perfect Song Title
Hey there, songwriters! Have you ever written a song you were so proud of but gotten stuck on what to call it? How do you come up with a title that’s pure gold? Let’s break it down into simple, easy tips! 1. Go with Your Lyrics: When in doubt, stick to what you know best – your own lyrics! Look for a standout line or Continue reading How to Write the Perfect Song Title

How to Use AI in Music to Improve Your Songwriting
AI seems to be taking the world by storm, with mentions of AI making its way in every single industry. While some are wrongfully using AI to replace or overtake in the arts, there is a way to work harmoniously with AI that still puts you in control and can actually improve your songwriting skills. Here are five ways that using AI in music can Continue reading How to Use AI in Music to Improve Your Songwriting

How to Revive Old Songs
When we grow as artists, we may have some old songs that have never been produced or seen the light of day. Maybe they were written when you were just starting out, but they still hold a lot of meaning to you. Here are some ways that you can take those old songs and bring them to life again! Breathe Life with Production That old Continue reading How to Revive Old Songs