Plant symbolism Sticky post

Plant Symbolism Inspiration for Songwriting

Plants and flowers have been used as symbolism in songs for centuries. Each flower and plant has its own meaning, and songwriters have used this to add depth and nuance to their lyrics. If you haven’t yet, check out the previous blog with some more common plant symbolism in songs. To continue that discussion, here are some more plants and flowers that you can use … Continue reading Plant Symbolism Inspiration for Songwriting

Flower symbolism Sticky post

Plant and Flower Symbolism in Songwriting

Plant and flower symbolism has always been a great tool for songwriters. It’s a way to convey deeper meaning and emotion in their music. And while some artists prefer to be more direct in their lyrics, others like to use symbols, objects, and even plants to help tell their story. Let’s take a look at some common plants and flowers that you can use as … Continue reading Plant and Flower Symbolism in Songwriting