Unfinished lyrics Sticky post

What Your Unfinished Lyrics Can Teach You

If you’ve been a songwriter for a while, you may have gone back to see if you can revive any of your old lyrics. However, some lyrics were just meant to serve as a memento of the past. There are still valuable lessons that unfinished lyrics can teach you. So let’s dive in!   It’s Okay to Not Finish a Song Firstly, having a bunch of … Continue reading What Your Unfinished Lyrics Can Teach You

Old Lyrics Sticky post

How to Revive Old Lyrics

We’ve all been there – that moment when you stumble upon an old notebook or digital file, and there they are, your forgotten lyrics. You might have abandoned these words for a reason, but what if some of those forgotten treasures could be revived and given a new lease of life? So dust off those old lyrics because here are several ways that you can … Continue reading How to Revive Old Lyrics