Why You Should Sing Sticky post

Why You Should Sing – Even if You Think You Suck

Are you the type of person who runs and hides at the mere mention of karaoke night? Do you cringe at the thought of singing in front of others? Well, let me tell you, singing is not just for professional vocalists or those with perfect pitch. Singing is for everyone, and here’s why you should sing, even if you think you suck. First of all, … Continue reading Why You Should Sing – Even if You Think You Suck

Finding Your Voice Sticky post

Finding Your Voice: Tips For Understanding Your Genre

As a songwriter, it can be a challenge finding your voice and identifying what genre you fit into. For new songwriters, it can be especially difficult to navigate the vast and varied landscape of music genres. Even for writers who have been in the game for years, it can be hard to pinpoint their specific sound and place in the industry. In this article, we … Continue reading Finding Your Voice: Tips For Understanding Your Genre