Overcoming self doubt Sticky post

A Songwriter’s Guide to Overcoming Self Doubt

Whether you are new to songwriting or have been writing for years, self doubt is a familiar tune. It’s a sinking feeling that weighs heavy on your soul and can even lead you to self sabotage. So how do we defeat this feeling? Here is a guide to help you in overcoming self doubt and stepping into your true potential! 1. Dive into Self-Help Books … Continue reading A Songwriter’s Guide to Overcoming Self Doubt

Angry Lyrics Sticky post

How to Write Angry Lyrics for a Song

If you feel angry about something, it may be really difficult to put into words. This is why songwriting is great for processing these emotions. It forces you to put emotions into lyrics, thus processing them in a healthier way. So if you are looking to learn how to write angry lyrics, here are some tips: Journaling If you’re having trouble getting any words out, … Continue reading How to Write Angry Lyrics for a Song

AI Program Sticky post

Turn Ideas into Powerful Lyrics with the Help of an AI Program

As a songwriter, there’s nothing more rewarding than taking your ideas and turning them into reality. However, sometimes that can be a little easier said than done. In this blog, we’ll explore five steps that can turn your inspo into powerful lyrics with the help of an AI program like LyricStudio. 1. Focus in on Your Inspiration Take a deep breath and assess what you … Continue reading Turn Ideas into Powerful Lyrics with the Help of an AI Program

Old Lyrics Sticky post

How to Revive Old Lyrics

We’ve all been there – that moment when you stumble upon an old notebook or digital file, and there they are, your forgotten lyrics. You might have abandoned these words for a reason, but what if some of those forgotten treasures could be revived and given a new lease of life? So dust off those old lyrics because here are several ways that you can … Continue reading How to Revive Old Lyrics

Lyric phrasing Sticky post

The Importance of Lyric Phrasing

Have you ever thought about the rhythm of words in a song? That’s where lyrical phrasing steps in. The way your lyrics are phrased and the words are structured can make or break your song’s impact. So, let’s take a look at some helpful tips on how to harness lyric phrasing in your songwriting! The Art of Length Check the length of each line you’re … Continue reading The Importance of Lyric Phrasing

make better songs Sticky post

4 Ways Guitarists Can Make Better Songs

Making songs can be a fun endeavor, but it’s not always an easy process. You often hear about artists like Ed Sheeran and Lady Gaga coming up with hits within minutes, but if you’ve ever written or made your own song, you’ll know that’s a rare occurrence. You may experience creativity or creative block, or sometimes the music doesn’t sound right. Fortunately, you don’t have to stay stuck … Continue reading 4 Ways Guitarists Can Make Better Songs

Living in the future Sticky post

Ways Living in the Future Affects Your Songwriting

Living in the future, envisioning what lies ahead, and contemplating the unknown can have a profound impact on our lives, including our songwriting. Let’s explore the surprising ways that looking at the future can influence your songwriting lyrics. Sense of Uncertainty Living in the future often involves navigating uncertainties and unknowns. As a songwriter, this can manifest in your lyrics as a reflection of the … Continue reading Ways Living in the Future Affects Your Songwriting

Animal symbolism Sticky post

How to Use Animal Symbolism in Songwriting

Hey there, fellow songwriters! Let’s dive back into the world of animal symbolism in songwriting. We’ve already covered some cool creatures in our previous blog, so if you missed it, go check it out! But now, let’s explore some more awesome animals that can add an extra punch to your lyrics. Horse First up, we have the horse. These majestic beasts symbolize freedom, strength, and … Continue reading How to Use Animal Symbolism in Songwriting

Mythological creature symbolism Sticky post

Using Mythological Creature Symbolism in Songwriting

Mythological creature symbolism has been used in storytelling and songwriting as a way to add an otherworldly element to art. These fantastical beings can represent a range of emotions, concepts, and ideas. Let’s take a look at some common mythological creatures symbolism used in music and songwriting. Phoenix: The phoenix is a mythical bird that represents rebirth, transformation, and renewal. In lyric writing, the phoenix … Continue reading Using Mythological Creature Symbolism in Songwriting

Writing songs for children Sticky post

Writing Songs for Children

Hey there, fellow songwriters! Let’s talk about the fantastic world of writing songs for children. It’s a delightful and rewarding experience that lets you tap into your inner child. In this blog, we’ll dive into some tips and tricks for crafting songs that are engaging, fun, and perfectly suited for young audiences. So let’s jump right in and get those creative juices flowing! Simplicity is … Continue reading Writing Songs for Children