Unfinished lyrics

What Your Unfinished Lyrics Can Teach You

If you’ve been a songwriter for a while, you may have gone back to see if you can revive any of your old lyrics. However, some lyrics were just meant to serve as a memento of the past. There are still valuable lessons that unfinished lyrics can teach you. So let’s dive in!  

It’s Okay to Not Finish a Song

Firstly, having a bunch of unfinished songs in your notes app or notebook is normal. Some ideas come into completion while others sit in your notebook unused. However, this is a natural part of the songwriting process. Not everything will make it into a completely polished song. No experience is a wasted experience either – anything you write still keeps your writing skills sharp!

Sometimes We Outgrow Things

Sometimes we try to finish a song, but we just can’t bring ourselves to complete it. Maybe you revisit some unfinished lyrics you really like, hoping to finish it, but you find that it’s not relatable to you anymore. This is a sign that you have grown from a past experience. If this song still stumps you, it may be time to put this song to rest. But make sure not to delete it since it may still be fun to look back on later!

You May be Highly Critical of Yourself

If you find that you only have a fraction of finished songs compared to unfinished, you may be highly critical of yourself when writing. Having your inner critic work alongside you while you write songs can lead to disaster. You may want to try something new but your inner critic starts telling you fears about failing. If you are highly critical, take a deep breath, and listen to your intuition when writing. Try and silence the critical voice, and you will be able to write freely. 

Everything Still Has Meaning 

The last lesson that I’ve personally learned as a songwriter, that no abandoned song is a wasted song. That song served a purpose – whether it was to practice your writing skills or get out intense emotion during that time. Even if you will never use those lyrics again in the future, they were necessary in that moment.

So if you have unfinished lyrics, don’t beat yourself up! This is a completely normal occurrence for a songwriter. Just remember to keep trekking forward on your songwriting journey, and follow wherever your creative intuition guides you. Happy writing!

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