AI Song

Can You Tell If It’s an AI Song? Let’s Find Out!

With the rise of AI, it has made its way into every nook and cranny of the world. It’s fascinating to see how powerful AI has become. However, people are still noticing some flaws such as a hand that is out of place in an AI-generated image or awkward sounding essays. But would you be able to tell the difference? 

If you are up for the challenge, there are 5 sets of lyrics – one is AI-generated, and the other was written by a human songwriter (me!). The AI generated lyrics are written by an AI Song Generator, specifically built to help you with writing lyrics. Let’s see if you can guess which is which!


a. Love, you are so kind

Always lingering in the back of my mind


b. My heart, it’s left behind

Searching for your touch, a love I can’t find


a. You left me in the darkness

Messed up, cruel, and heartless


b. You turned your back on me

I once thought you had loved me


a. Dancing in the moonlight

Blanketing dark, hopeless starlight


b. I dreamed I’d be all this and more

Echoes of hope on the floor


a. Silence can hurt more than it’s worth

It pains me to see the lines in between


b. Chasing dreams beyond the boundaries

Lost in all these little fantasies


a. You’re the color in my night

I’ll chase the stars ’till daylight


b. I don’t want a goodbye

‘Cause you’re a miracle of light

Got your answers?

Here are the AI generated lyrics:

  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B

Did you get them all right? Was it tricky? What I’ve done for each generated set of lyrics is put in my own lyrics first, then have LyricStudio generate lyrics based on my own. Using an AI song generator such as LyricStudio can be helpful, especially when we are facing writer’s block. 

Ideally, you wouldn’t want the AI song generator to write the entire song for you. But for the purpose of this challenge, the AI generated lyrics are fully written by AI. So, the next time you are stuck on some lyrics, consider using LyricStudio to help you out! Happy writing!

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