Using AI in Music Sticky post

Using AI in Music Without it Taking Over

Hey there, music creators! By now you’ve probably come across using AI in music and how there is a bit of skepticism around it. Rightfully, some are afraid that AI would take over creativity. But this overshadows how powerful AI can be as a creative tool. It has the ability of providing an artist tools to reach beyond their own scope. So let’s take a … Continue reading Using AI in Music Without it Taking Over

AI in music Sticky post

How to Use AI in Music to Improve Your Songwriting

AI seems to be taking the world by storm, with mentions of AI making its way in every single industry. While some are wrongfully using AI to replace or overtake in the arts, there is a way to work harmoniously with AI that still puts you in control and can actually improve your songwriting skills. Here are five ways that using AI in music can … Continue reading How to Use AI in Music to Improve Your Songwriting

music band Sticky post

How to Take Your Music Band to the Next Level

So, you’ve got a band, you’ve been jamming, and now you’re ready to take things to the next level. That’s the spirit! Making your band stand out and reach new heights takes dedication, strategy, and a whole lot of passion. Here’s a roadmap to elevate your music band from the garage to the grand stage: Rock the Stage Nothing showcases your band’s energy and charisma … Continue reading How to Take Your Music Band to the Next Level

take music lessons Sticky post

Why You Should or Should Not Take Music Lessons

For many people, music lessons are a rite of passage in their childhood. Some, however, may not have had the opportunity to take music lessons as a child and may be wondering if it’s too late to start. Others may have taken lessons in the past and are now debating if they should pick up an instrument again. There are certainly many reasons why you … Continue reading Why You Should or Should Not Take Music Lessons