Songwriting is a Journey Sticky post

Why Songwriting is a Journey Within

Songwriting is often regarded as a form of self-expression, and with good reason. The act of putting one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences into words and music is a powerful way to delve into the depths of one’s own psyche and discover one’s true self. In this sense, songwriting can be considered an art of self-discovery, a means by which one can uncover the innermost aspects … Continue reading Why Songwriting is a Journey Within

love songs Sticky post

The Different Types of Love Songs

Love songs are a timeless genre that has been capturing the essence of love for generations. Whether it’s romantic love, the love between friends, family, or a higher power, love songs have the ability to touch our hearts and inspire us to believe in love. In this article, we will explore the different types and how the lyrics differ for each one. 1. Romantic Love … Continue reading The Different Types of Love Songs

songwriting Sticky post

Why Songwriting is an Act of Rebellion

In today’s world, it is an act of rebellion to engage in the art of songwriting. In a society where nearly every aspect of production is controlled by big business, it is easy to feel as though we are simply cogs in a machine, consuming and producing as we are told. We wear clothing created by large corporations and fill our homes with items produced … Continue reading Why Songwriting is an Act of Rebellion

Fun Exercises for Songwriters Sticky post

Fun Exercises for Songwriters that Don’t Involve Writing a Song

Songwriting is an art learned best by doing – writing songs frequently is one of the best ways to improve your craft. However, today, we’re focusing on fun exercises for songwriters that don’t involve actually writing a song. Yes, you read that right! So put away your guitar or close that DAW (just for a little bit) and get ready to get your creative fix … Continue reading Fun Exercises for Songwriters that Don’t Involve Writing a Song

ocean of melodies Sticky post

Songwriting Exercise of the Week: Ocean of Melodies

Welcome to the Songwriting Exercise of the Week! This week, we will be focusing on the Ocean of Melodies exercise. The concept of this exercise is to take a lyrical line and come up with at least 10 different ways to sing it. You can use LyricStudio or make up your own line, and then experiment with different melodies and chord progressions to see what … Continue reading Songwriting Exercise of the Week: Ocean of Melodies

Creative Block Sticky post

What is Creative Block?

We are creatives. We bring our thoughts, emotions, and dreams into fruition by manifesting it into something tangible. As songwriters, we do that through translating what’s on our minds into words and music. So what happens when that creative fuel stops flowing? We try our very best to create anything at all to find that it’s hard to finish or even start a song. This … Continue reading What is Creative Block?

Creative Dry Spells Sticky post

Breaking Through Creative Dry Spells

Writing songs can be a rewarding and fulfilling creative pursuit, but it’s not always easy. It’s natural to experience periods of writer’s block, self-doubt, and lack of motivation. If you’re struggling to stay motivated in your songwriting, here are some tips to help you stay on track during creative dry spells: 1. Set specific goals and deadlines. Having clear goals and deadlines can help you … Continue reading Breaking Through Creative Dry Spells

How to Revise and Edit Your Songs Sticky post

How to Revise and Edit Your Songs

Knowing how to revise and edit your songs is an important part of the songwriting process. It’s a chance to fine-tune your lyrics, melodies, and arrangements, and to make sure that your songs are the best they can be. However, the process of revision can be challenging, and it’s easy to get stuck or lose sight of your goals. Here are some tips for revising … Continue reading How to Revise and Edit Your Songs

Why Songwriting is Good for Your Mental Health Sticky post

Why Songwriting is Good for Your Mental Health

Songwriting can be a therapeutic and cathartic process for many people. It allows you to express your emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a creative and meaningful way, and can help you process and make sense of your feelings. Here are five reasons why songwriting is good for your mental health: 1. It allows you to express your emotions Songwriting allows you to put your emotions … Continue reading Why Songwriting is Good for Your Mental Health

tips for finishing a song Sticky post

3 Tips for Finishing a Song When You’re Feeling Stuck

Are you feeling stuck in the midst of writing a song? Can’t seem to get that final verse or chorus to come together no matter how hard you try? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Even the most seasoned songwriters can get stuck in a creative rut from time to time. But don’t give up just yet! Here are three unconventional yet effective tips for finishing … Continue reading 3 Tips for Finishing a Song When You’re Feeling Stuck