Introducing: LyricStudio Gold

What if you had a collaborator who was available day and night to help you write songs? What if they could write in any genre, but always gladly adapted to your unique style? What if, to top it all, they always let you call all the shots and never asked for royalties?

Enter LyricStudio Gold, the world’s advanced creative AI engine for lyrics writing. Designed specifically to elevate human creativity — rather than replace it — LyricStudio helps songwriters find inspiration, break out of writer’s block, and keep the creative juices flowing.

Launched at the end of 2020, LyricStudio has been helping artists across all levels of expertise elevate their lyrics writing. While experts utilize the platform to speed up their process and expand to other genres, less-experienced songwriters use LyricStudio to easily get started with and master lyrics writing.

The Gold tier takes the lyrics writing game to a whole new level. With an even more powerful engine than the original Pro tier, LyricStudio Gold’s proprietary engine has deep insight into metaphors and rhymes and offers unparalleled cohesion in its original lyrical recommendations. The rap engine in the Gold tier was also taken to a new level — able to create a wide range of rap subgenres and respond creatively to your unique rapping style.

In addition to elevating the core functionality of the AI-powered engine to previously unimaginable heights, LyricStudio offers several other advantages. Of these, the most notable is the innovative “Starts with” feature, which allows users to take several words to start their lyrics line, to which LyricStudio Gold replies with a variety of ways in which that phase can be creatively completed. To be clear, this is nothing like your phone’s autocomplete – these are original, creative ideas to help you build your own, unique song.

Finally, Gold gives you collaboration capabilities on an unlimited number of songs, allowing up to 20 collaborators per song. But there’s much more in store! WaveAI is currently working on a couple of exciting additions to the Gold tier: Adding an “Ends with” functionality to complement “Start with”, which will let you specify the word or words that you’d like your lyrical line to conclude with. Additionally, Gold will soon have an explicit language fiber that will let you generate raps in their raw, uncensored form.

If you are serious about songwriting, then LyricStudio Gold is a must-have tool. Never taking any royalties, LyricStudio will shape and expand your lyrics writing abilities, keep you in the flow, and offer a new dimension to your songwriting.

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