songwriting for healing Sticky post

How to Use Songwriting for Healing

As we grow older, it’s not uncommon to carry emotional baggage from our childhood into adulthood. This can manifest as self-doubt, fear, and negative self-talk. By tapping into the power of music and lyrics, you can communicate directly with your younger self and provide the support and encouragement you needed then and still need now. In this blog, we’ll explore how to use songwriting for … Continue reading How to Use Songwriting for Healing

emotions in songs Sticky post

How to Evoke Specific Emotions in Songs

Writing songs is one of the best ways to express your emotions and share them with others. However, getting specific emotions across through lyrics can be a challenging task. It takes a lot of thought, skill, and creativity to put the right words in the right place to evoke the desired emotional response in your listeners. In this blog, we will explore some of the … Continue reading How to Evoke Specific Emotions in Songs