LyricStudio Writing Exercises for New Songwriters

What’s the best way to become a pro songwriter? You guessed it – it all comes down to practice. Even 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference in your writing, turning you into a pro in no time! Here are some fun exercises to use during your writing practice. Of course, you may just find that one of those exercises creates your new … Continue reading LyricStudio Writing Exercises for New Songwriters

LyricStudio Writing Exercises for Pro Songwriters

As a seasoned songwriter, you already know how critical it is to maintain a regular writing practice. Here are some fun exercises to spice up your practice with LyricStudio, which will help to further expand your writing repertoire and take your creativity to new territories. Go for an unfamiliar genre: As a pro, you doubtlessly already have your favorite genres. We invite you to try … Continue reading LyricStudio Writing Exercises for Pro Songwriters