How to Get Started Writing Lyrics

How to Get Started Writing Lyrics

Songwriting can be intimidating. You know that you have something to share deep inside, but you don’t know how to get started writing lyrics.

We’ve put together a few tips to help you begin the process. So, pull out that pen and paper, or open that notepad, and get writing! 

1. Get Personal

A great place to get started is to write lyrics about what you know. Pick an experience that brings up powerful emotions. Maybe there are strong feelings that you’re experiencing right now, which could be a great place to start. Be specific. If you want to write about that painful breakup, think of the specific moments when your emotions ran high. If you want to write about loneliness, think of times when you felt it most strongly. What images and sensations come to mind? These will act as an anchor for your lyrics. 

2. Start short & simple

Writing a full song can be intimidating. A good place to start writing your lyrics is to first write the chorus. Then, as you get more comfortable, you can work your way up to a complete song. When you’re ready, you can learn more about song structure and the role played by each song part. Verses are great for moving the story along, with the chorus acting as the emotional center of the song, responding to your story. Also, resist the temptation to use long and complex words. Popular songs often use common language that is easy to understand and remember. Write as you would talk. A good test is to read your lyrics out loud to see if they feel natural.

3. Collab with LyricStudio

Professional songwriters don’t write lyrics alone, and you don’t have to either. Get together with a friend and bounce around some ideas. Or, use LyricStudio, which is like your personal lyrics writing assistant. It gives you original ideas for your next line based on your topic and writing style, acting like training wheels as you gain confidence and proficiency in lyrics writing. 

4. Don’t stress about rhyming

Rhyming is an important aspect of any successful song. However, pressure to rhyme right away can be counterproductive. Give yourself the freedom to express yourself first, and worry about rhyming later. It’s also important to note that songs don’t rhyme quite as much as we think they do. Rhymes are often soft, and too much hard (or, “perfect”) rhymes can make a song sound childish. When you’re ready, you can learn about all kinds of rhymes that you can include in your lyrics

As you write, try not to judge yourself too much. After all, songwriting is a process. As you get comfortable expressing yourself through lyrics, it will become easier and easier. 

The world needs to hear your story, and what better way to share it than through a song. Let your voice shine! 

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