Fear of rejection Sticky post

Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It as a Songwriter

As a songwriter, you may be familiar with many negative feelings such as the fear of failure, fear of being seen, or even fear of rejection. If you have something that is holding you back, it may be good to explore the cause. This way you can face it before it leads to self-sabotage. Now, the fear of rejection is completely normal and some great … Continue reading Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It as a Songwriter

Song title Sticky post

How to Write the Perfect Song Title

Hey there, songwriters! Have you ever written a song you were so proud of but gotten stuck on what to call it? How do you come up with a title that’s pure gold? Let’s break it down into simple, easy tips! 1. Go with Your Lyrics: When in doubt, stick to what you know best – your own lyrics! Look for a standout line or … Continue reading How to Write the Perfect Song Title

songwriting metaphors Sticky post

How to Come up with Songwriting Metaphors

Hey songwriters! If you ever have come across some stunningly beautiful lyrics that hit deep in your soul, chances are you may have also encountered some metaphors in them. So how do you include metaphors in your own writing? Here are some tips on how to come up with some songwriting metaphors that will wow your listeners! Peek into Your Unique Experiences Metaphors thrive on … Continue reading How to Come up with Songwriting Metaphors

Old Lyrics Sticky post

How to Revive Old Lyrics

We’ve all been there – that moment when you stumble upon an old notebook or digital file, and there they are, your forgotten lyrics. You might have abandoned these words for a reason, but what if some of those forgotten treasures could be revived and given a new lease of life? So dust off those old lyrics because here are several ways that you can … Continue reading How to Revive Old Lyrics

Lyric phrasing Sticky post

The Importance of Lyric Phrasing

Have you ever thought about the rhythm of words in a song? That’s where lyrical phrasing steps in. The way your lyrics are phrased and the words are structured can make or break your song’s impact. So, let’s take a look at some helpful tips on how to harness lyric phrasing in your songwriting! The Art of Length Check the length of each line you’re … Continue reading The Importance of Lyric Phrasing

Songwriting to embrace change Sticky post

Using Songwriting to Embrace Change

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of change. Whether it’s a new chapter, a fresh start, or a bittersweet farewell, music can be our faithful companion on this rollercoaster ride. So, let’s dive into the world of songwriting to embrace change and discover how it can help us navigate those transitional, emotional moments with … Continue reading Using Songwriting to Embrace Change

red flags Sticky post

How Songwriting Reveals Red Flags

Spotting those pesky red flags in our lives is no easy task, but guess what? Songwriting can actually help us uncover them and grow into happier, more fulfilled individuals. So, let’s dive into the ways songwriting can reveal those red flags and help us learn from them. Get ready for some eye-opening moments! Stuck in the Love Loop If your songs always revolve around past … Continue reading How Songwriting Reveals Red Flags

Lyrical contrast Sticky post

Lyrical Contrast: What is It and Why is It Important?

As a songwriter, you understand the importance of captivating your audience with well-crafted lyrics. Striking the right balance is crucial – too much repetition can lead to boredom, while too little can leave your songs feeling disjointed. This is where the magic of lyrical contrast comes into play. By skillfully incorporating contrast, you can infuse your lyrics with depth. Let’s delve into why contrast matters … Continue reading Lyrical Contrast: What is It and Why is It Important?

Mastering the chorus Sticky post

Mastering the Chorus as a Pro Songwriter

As a professional songwriter, you know that the chorus is the most important part of any song. It’s the section that listeners will remember and sing along to, so it’s essential that you get it right. If the chorus just doesn’t hit, then it will lose the interest of professional listeners, which affects streams and buys. So, here are some tips for keeping your listeners … Continue reading Mastering the Chorus as a Pro Songwriter

songs about not giving up Sticky post

How to Write Songs About Not Giving Up

In times of adversity, music can serve as a powerful tool to inspire resilience and hope. As a songwriter, you have the ability to craft lyrics that can uplift and motivate listeners to push through difficult times. Here are some tips on how to write songs about not giving up. 1. Draw on Your Personal Experiences Write about challenges that you have faced in your … Continue reading How to Write Songs About Not Giving Up