songwriting about self-love Sticky post

Tips for Songwriting About Self-Love

Self-love is an important practice that everyone should embrace. It is a key element of personal growth and development. One of the best ways to cultivate self-love is through writing a song about it. Music can be a powerful tool for self-expression and healing. In this blog, we will explore songwriting about self-love, including some tips and techniques that you can use to make your … Continue reading Tips for Songwriting About Self-Love

How to Revise and Edit Your Songs Sticky post

How to Revise and Edit Your Songs

Knowing how to revise and edit your songs is an important part of the songwriting process. It’s a chance to fine-tune your lyrics, melodies, and arrangements, and to make sure that your songs are the best they can be. However, the process of revision can be challenging, and it’s easy to get stuck or lose sight of your goals. Here are some tips for revising … Continue reading How to Revise and Edit Your Songs

Using Rhyme in Songwriting Sticky post

A Guide to Using Rhyme in Songwriting

When it comes to songwriting, one question that often comes up is “how much should I rhyme?” The answer, as with most things in the creative world, is “it depends.” But fear not, dear reader! We’re here to give you some general guidelines to using rhyme in songwriting. When it comes to rhyme, there are a few different approaches you can take. Some songwriters like … Continue reading A Guide to Using Rhyme in Songwriting

Songwriting Dos and Don’ts Sticky post

Songwriting Do’s and Don’ts

Songwriting can be a challenging and rewarding endeavor, but it’s important to know some songwriting do’s and don’ts to ensure that your songs are the best they can be. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on your next musical masterpiece: Do: 1. Write what you know. The best songs are often those that come from a place of personal experience … Continue reading Songwriting Do’s and Don’ts

top songwriting tips Sticky post

Top Songwriting Tips You Never Heard Before

Are you ready for some top songwriting tips that could make you the next big hitmaker? Well, strap in because these tips are so unique, you’ve probably never heard them before! Here are 5 top songwriting tips you never heard before: 1. Write a song about a mundane task. Think about it – how many songs have you heard about doing the dishes or mowing … Continue reading Top Songwriting Tips You Never Heard Before

How to Start Songwriting Sticky post

How to Start Songwriting

Are you ready to start your journey as a songwriter? Great! Songwriting can be a fun and rewarding hobby or career, but it’s not always easy to know where to begin. Here are a few tips for how to start songwriting: 1. Find inspiration The first step in writing a song is to find some inspiration. This can come from anywhere – your own experiences, … Continue reading How to Start Songwriting

lyric writing Sticky post

Take Your Lyric Writing to the Next Level

Lyric writing is like any other art form. The more you write, the more you improve. But what if you already write regularly, but would like to challenge yourself to reach the next level? Here’s how to take your lyric writing to the next level: Unpack your favorite songs The best way to study lyric writing is to study the works of other great lyric … Continue reading Take Your Lyric Writing to the Next Level

lyric ideas Sticky post

How to Never Run Out of Lyric Ideas

We’ve all been there. You’ve just cruised through the first verse of your song. You’ve crafted the perfect chorus. Then you get to the second verse and… You’re all out of lyric ideas. You feel like there’s nothing left to say. Or maybe you simply don’t see how to expand on your ideas. You put the song aside to work on it later… and don’t … Continue reading How to Never Run Out of Lyric Ideas

How LyricStudio Makes You a Better Songwriter Sticky post

How LyricStudio Makes You a Better Songwriter

If you’re familiar with LyricStudio, you already know it’s a powerful tool for your songwriting and can in turn, make you a better songwriter. It responds to your creativity and offers many helpful features to help you grow in your craft. Understandably, there are people who are apprehensive about using technology in creative processes. Sometimes, our ego gets in the way and tells us that … Continue reading How LyricStudio Makes You a Better Songwriter

How To Get Songwriting Credit Sticky post

How To Get Songwriting Credit

Whether you are a lyricist, painter, or author you already know it’s every artist’s nightmare to not receive credit for their work. Sadly, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve witnessed artists have their work compromised because of an unclear agreement. From stolen ideas to lack of compensation to simply not having their name on a record, it is important to act in good … Continue reading How To Get Songwriting Credit