Rhyme in lyrics Sticky post

How Often Should You Rhyme in Lyrics

Rhyming is an important part of songwriting – like the glue that holds the whole thing together. But when do you know you’ve rhymed just enough? While there is no set rule, overdoing rhyming in your lyrics might make them sound a tad forced. So, let’s dive into some tips on how often you should rhyme in lyrics. Pair ‘Em Up: One of the most … Continue reading How Often Should You Rhyme in Lyrics

Love song Sticky post

How to Write a Love Song Without Sounding Cheesy

Writing a love song that tugs at the heartstrings without tripping into the realm of cheesiness is a true art. So, let’s embark on this journey together and discover some tips to create the perfect love song lyrics that resonate deeply without a hint of cheese: 1. Tap Into Your Genuine Emotions Tapping into your genuine emotions will help you avoid stumbling into those cliches. … Continue reading How to Write a Love Song Without Sounding Cheesy

songwriting metaphors Sticky post

How to Come up with Songwriting Metaphors

Hey songwriters! If you ever have come across some stunningly beautiful lyrics that hit deep in your soul, chances are you may have also encountered some metaphors in them. So how do you include metaphors in your own writing? Here are some tips on how to come up with some songwriting metaphors that will wow your listeners! Peek into Your Unique Experiences Metaphors thrive on … Continue reading How to Come up with Songwriting Metaphors

AI Music Tool Sticky post

Pros of Lyric Writing with an AI Music Tool

Hey there, songwriters! With emerging tech, it’s natural to feel skeptical of the next new tool. But when used effectively and as a creative partner, AI can help you write more lyrics, boost creativity, and even help you improve as a songwriter. Here are 4 pros to using an AI music tool to help with lyric writing: 1. Perfect for All Skill Levels – Even … Continue reading Pros of Lyric Writing with an AI Music Tool

Lyric Writer’s Block Sticky post

How to Avoid Lyric Writer’s Block

Sometimes we’re in the zone, pumping out lyrics like a factory. Other times, it seems like we may be in a literal desert when it comes to writing songs. Writer’s block is frustrating, but it is also very common. In this blog, we will go over ways that you can stop lyric writer’s block before it takes you over completely.  1. Pause and Breathe When … Continue reading How to Avoid Lyric Writer’s Block

Music production Sticky post

How to Branch into Music Production as a Songwriter

As a lyricist, you’ve written some songs already, maybe even hundreds. But maybe, you mostly perform them live or go to a studio to record your own songs. So how does one transition from being just a songwriter to a producer as well? If you are looking to branch into music production, here we have 5 tips on how to put you on that path! … Continue reading How to Branch into Music Production as a Songwriter

How to write lyrics with AI Sticky post

How to Write Lyrics with AI that Sound Good

If you’ve ever tried using AI to write lyrics, you may have found a few suggestions that didn’t quite hit the mark. It’s easy to feel discouraged, but don’t throw in the towel immediately! With the right approach and mindset, you can still write some meaningful lyrics using AI. In this blog, we’ll explore five tips on how to write lyrics with AI. 1. Embrace … Continue reading How to Write Lyrics with AI that Sound Good

Overcoming self doubt Sticky post

A Songwriter’s Guide to Overcoming Self Doubt

Whether you are new to songwriting or have been writing for years, self doubt is a familiar tune. It’s a sinking feeling that weighs heavy on your soul and can even lead you to self sabotage. So how do we defeat this feeling? Here is a guide to help you in overcoming self doubt and stepping into your true potential! 1. Dive into Self-Help Books … Continue reading A Songwriter’s Guide to Overcoming Self Doubt

Angry Lyrics Sticky post

How to Write Angry Lyrics for a Song

If you feel angry about something, it may be really difficult to put into words. This is why songwriting is great for processing these emotions. It forces you to put emotions into lyrics, thus processing them in a healthier way. So if you are looking to learn how to write angry lyrics, here are some tips: Journaling If you’re having trouble getting any words out, … Continue reading How to Write Angry Lyrics for a Song

AI Program Sticky post

Turn Ideas into Powerful Lyrics with the Help of an AI Program

As a songwriter, there’s nothing more rewarding than taking your ideas and turning them into reality. However, sometimes that can be a little easier said than done. In this blog, we’ll explore five steps that can turn your inspo into powerful lyrics with the help of an AI program like LyricStudio. 1. Focus in on Your Inspiration Take a deep breath and assess what you … Continue reading Turn Ideas into Powerful Lyrics with the Help of an AI Program